How to make Maths Class Interesting

Mathematics is full of numbers, equations, formulas, proofs, variables etc. which can be a nightmare for students, if the teaching is not innovative and interesting. Most of the students find maths boring and are least interested in the subject. The subject has an endless concepts which requires proper understanding rather than memorizing  them.

Here are few techniques which can be applied to make the subject of maths interesting:

(i) Classroom game as teaching strategy: It doesn’t really matters if you are 10 or 20 years old, everyone love to play games. This is the best way to engage students in the classroom. Most of the time students don’t find the classroom teaching to be interesting, which makes classes boring. Teaching and Games can go hand-in-hand. To grab students attention for the subject, question and answer games can be played by calling out random roll numbers. This would also make students attentive in the classroom session.

(ii) Correlate topic with the real-world: It would create a better sense of understanding the subject, if we can relate our studies from the world around us. For teenagers learning something new seems to be compelling. If they know the application of the topic, they can have better learning experience. Such as topic like Integration is used in finding the area of an object which is further applied in construction, area under curve etc.

(iii) Use of technology: The modern method of learning uses latest technology for the education sector. Nowadays, we find projector based smart rooms which seems to be appealing for the teenagers. Learning through this method includes videos, animations and 3d learning, can create interest in classroom session with high level of understanding.

(iv)Make the topic Meaningful: It is really important for the teachers to relate the topics. Such as the topic of Fractions are useful in Percentage, Ratio and Proportion etc. This will give a clear picture to the students and the importance of every chapter.  For example, if we talk about BODMAS rule, students should be aware that this rule finds application in solving almost every equation whether in multiplication of simultaneous equation or linear equation in two variables etc.

All the above steps can be followed to have an interesting lecture for the classroom session. Also, if students are engaged in lectures then they will definitely understand even the difficult topics like Calculus and Probability easily.

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