Learn business English with Your Agora

With businesses crossing international boundaries,  the importance of English language in business has grown leaps and bounds with more and more professionals learning business English. Your Agora is a preferred ESL platform for working professionals seeking to learn business English and business writing courses.

Your Agora contains a large volume of business English catalogues sourced from  teachers all around the world where teachers can design their own ESL lesson plans and assign it specific courses, classes and students. These business writing courses can be integrated with pictures, word list, videos and text to make learning content more interactive, interesting and easier to learn for working professional to learn business English.These contents can be edited anytime by the teachers to suit requirements in changes in course material and syllabus.

Learners can be graded automatically for test with true/false, matching, multiple choice, fill in the blanks formats and for writing assignments, teachers can review, grade and add comments enabling a better learning experience for business writing course students.

Teachers and users can use Your Agora’s tag feature to organise course material, filter catalogue content of only required ESL study plans for business English courses and its search feature assist learners to find suitable content for the business writing courses.

This platform also allows learners and young professionals to export and print their business English course content to enable them learn and revise ESL lesson plans offline or without accessing their computer or mobile devices.

This ESL platform is free for students and teachers whereas schools, educational institutions and businesses need to avail its premium paid subscription plans as suitable to their respective requirements. Your Agora can be an excellent platform to learn business English who are non-native English speakers, but the said platform is unsuitable for non-English speakers wishing to learn the English language from scratch.

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