Take One of Our Radon Classes

Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that can cause lung cancer. When it’s in the air, people don’t know they’re being exposed to it, and, over long periods of time, it can cause significant health problems. As a result, working with a certified radon mitigation expert is something that business and homeowners need to do. To become certified, you need to take radon classes.

If you need radon classes to meet the requirements of the National Environment Health Association’s National Radon Proficiency Program for radon professionals, then you have come to the right place. We provide a wide range of radon certification courses that you can take to meet your NRPP certification and continuing education needs.

Here are some of the radon classes we offer: Residential Radon Measurement Certification (provides the training you need to pass the NRPP Measurement Certification exam), and Radon Mitigation (provides training that teaches you how to install radon mitigation systems, and it includes a two-day mentoring session with a certified mitigator), and Radon Mitigation and Measurement Combo (provides all the training necessary to be NRPP-certified for radon measurement and mitigation).

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We also offer a wide range of continuing education courses. One of them is A History of Radon, which provides 8 NRPP CE credits). This course covers discoveries and accounts from the history of radon. The Radon Surveys in Schools and Large Buildings and Radon Reduction in Community both provide 16 NRPP CE credits each. Radon: Train the Speaker is 12 NRPP CE credits, and RRNC Practices: An Industry Discussion provides 8 NRPP CE credits. You can take the Becoming Proficient with RadElec EPERM course for 4 CE credits, and Radon from a Physician’s Perspective, Interviews with Radon Experts, and Radon Control Methods for four CE credits each.

Each of our courses are offered online, and they are accessible at any time of the day or night. You can learn at your own pace, review material any time you want before you continue, or go back and review after you have learned some new material if you’re still confused about a certain topic. This is the easiest way to get your NRPP certification or the credits you need for continuing education.

You learn when and where it is convenient for you. We cover all the material you need to know to work effectively as a radon technician, and we are proud of the quality of each of our radon classes. You will learn all that you need to do a high-quality job of identifying, measuring, and mitigating the levels of radon in the homes and businesses of your clients.

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