What You Need to Know About Part 125 Online Training

Part 125 online training is an aviation course offered on virtual learning platforms for pilots, aircraft operators, and other aircraft personnel. It is named in reference to Part 125 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs), which governs large airplanes’ operation configured for 6,000 lbs. or more of payload capacity of over twenty passenger seats. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) came up with this clause to establish uniform regulations for “Part 125 size airplanes,” which we have just explained. Therefore, Part 125 online training is done in order for one to attain the required qualifications regulated by the FAA’s Federal Regulation Aviation for initial and recurrent learning.

The Process

  • First, one has to select the institution from which they want to learn from. This is a highly delicate process because choosing a substandard institution may end up hurting you in the future. Make sure you conduct proper research and carefully consider all your options before settling on a particular institution. It is advisable you go where you feel you’ll be getting value for your money.
  • Once you’ve selected an institution, proceed to log in to their site. Most of them have an easy registration process, so that shouldn’t be much of a concern. When you’re stuck, you can always ask for help from the designated online assistants. The only important thing is to make sure you read everything, including terms and conditions, because a lot of people get caught out on certain things that were hidden in the fine print. Make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into. After everything has been signed, you can now pay, and you will have unlimited access to live classes as well as learning resources.
  • Try as much as possible to be ever-present for live classes because there are plenty of things that the course instructors will teach you that can’t be found in the textbooks. Active participation will also help you understand and remember things better. Do not be afraid to ask questions and seek clarification where you didn’t answer.
  • Listen to live recorded classes whenever it’s convenient for you. There is a chance you could catch something you had missed before, and again it just helps you to remember all the stuff you were taught in class.
  • Be sure to make good use of the academic advisors and certified instructors at your disposal. Most of them are always more than happy to help you out whenever you need them. Forming a good relationship with them will also be of very good use for you in the future.
  • Diligently complete all your assignments, random tests, and examinations. Put a lot of effort into them because they contribute to your minimum requirements.
  • Finally, when you pass, you can graduate, obtain your certificate, and get ready to practice.

Drawbacks of Part 125 Online Learning

With Part 125 online training being an online course, it means that learners are spread all over the world. The difference in time zones could make it challenging to offer examinations on strictly set times because it could be noon in one place and midnight on the other end of the world. As a result, most students end up missing the examinations.

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