Top tips for preparing TU GET and BMAT

TU get a high-level English proficiency test required for getting into Thammasat University graduate programs. The exam consists of three sections which usually test you onto writing ability, vocabulary and comprehensions. You need to score good marks in all of the three sections to get admission in the master’s degree programs. Students are usually concerned about how to prepare for the exam and how to study TU GET [ติว tu get, which is the term in Thai], for that they need to enrol in one of the tutor schools to get prepared for the exam.

How can tutoring help you to get good marks in TU GET?

Tutoring can help you to score good marks because it can help you to build the skills you required to pass the exams. Tutoring helps you to boost your confidence and also provide you regularly tip to get good marks in exams like TU GET.

Why you need to apply for BMAT and what are tips for preparing?

BMAT is an acronym for Bio Medical Admission test which usually gets you in medicine, bio medical and Dentistry University. It usually tests you on 3 skills aptitude and skills, scientific knowledge and application, and writing skills. Alongside the UK, Spain, Malaysia, Thailand also accepts BAMT. To study BMAT [ติว sat ที่ไหน ดี, which is the term in Thai]. Newbie’s appearing for the exam first time will need to make sure that it is quite different from UKCAT and that’s why you need to consider following tips to ace your exam:

  • You need first to assess the paper and prioritize the paper on the basis of the type of thinking each section requires.
  • You need to review past papers as well to get an idea on how to attempt the paper.
  • You need to remain confident throughout the paper and should control your nerves.
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